A Little Background:
Author Linda Herron, a financial expert, wanted to write a business book on how- to be profitable. But she had not written or self-published a book, and she knew she had much to learn. As she has some experience sharing her expertise in article writings for American Express, Lending Tree, and Daily News, which gave her the confidence to think about writing a business book. With that confidence, she traveled down the path of learning to self-publish; she got the idea to create a tester book (twin children's book). This idea of a tester book would allow her to learn and make mistakes without touching her career. Once she completed the tester book, she would move on to publishing a business book. The business book never happened; she loved writing and publishing children's picture books. Who knew? Today, she has five books and is publishing her next twin story in the Spring of 2021.
What Linda Realized:
It is an honor to write these books for twin children. It will help young twins, and parents relate and understand that being an identical twin is unique to a non-twin.
Being an identical twin herself, she experienced positive feedback on being alike and sometimes negative feedback when there were differences between them. She was not aware that being different was okay too. And even friends would always point out their differences negatively. Looking back, she and her twin are quite different and have similarities. Today, they embrace those differences as individuals.
Twins Mac & Madi’s Books:
Linda Herron’s twin books are fun and heartwarming tales about twins who embrace their individuality. Twins Mac & Madi are identical twins. They have the same smile, the same hair, and even the same birthday! Mac and Madi's stories will take you on an adventure that shows the world that they like being the same and enjoy being different.
Buy books at our website: www.twinsmacandmadi.com
By Linda Herron
American Author
Children's Book Series

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